Para conseguir el San Andreas MultiPlayer:
"SA-MP 0.3" Mejorado!!
Las mejoras (CopiayPega)
- Up to 500 players per server and up to 2000 vehicles.
- New mouse driven scoreboard, chat and other UIs.
- Visible vehicle damage and vehicle repairing.
- NPC bots that can drive trains, planes and more.
- Completely server controlled game play.
- Improved sync including vehicle surfing.
- Many new scripting features.
- Many bug and crash fixes - SA-MP 0.3a is the most stable version yet!
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SA-MP 0.3a Client Download mirror by Littlewithey´s server
Doble click en el exe.
Instala el SA-MP.
Para añadir el servidor de GreenLive:
Inicia el SA-MP
Te saldra esto:
Haz click en el primer boton naranja, el que dice ADD SERVER
Y escribe: [Buscad en el Apartado IP] Probad con
Para conectarte pulsa el boton verde que dice CONNECT
Y a jugar